Thursday, December 21, 2017

Merry CHRISTmas!!

 Well not too much too write about this week sorry :( 

There's a really bad cold going around right now and well I caught it. I started getting sick Thursday night and today was the first day I felt I was starting to get over this sickness. So therefore not too much missionary work got done this week :(
Elder Littlewood did teach me how to do a 4x4 Rubik's cube while I was sick and I feel like a baller now haha.

We have a dinner on Saturday that the stake puts on for us to invite less active members and investigators to so we're excited for that and have been working on inviting people to that!

We had a lesson with Vinta planned for Saturday night but she canceled cause she picked up the urn of her father that day and said it was just too much. She did text us and told us when she saw her backyard she cried from all the work that we had done back there and how nice it looked so that was nice to hear. I'll have to take a pic and show y'all the before and after one of these times cause man that backyard was trashed, there wasn't  even a visible walkway and Elder Littlewood and I really did a solid job cleaning it up.

We found some good potential investigators during the couple days we were able to go out but they all want us to come back after the holiday season. So that's kinda the struggle at the moment is that everyone wants to wait until after the new year to start seeing us again.

I hope y'all have been enjoying the LightTheWorld challenge and it has been making your holiday season more meaningful! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Remember why we celebrate Christmas and that is cause of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is because of him that the great plan for us is possible. It's because of him that we are able to return to live with our Heavenly Father again. It's because of Christ that we have all we do. So please everyone, enjoy the holidays, spend precious time with your family, tell the ones you love that you love them, and take time to tell 1 person about our Savior Jesus Christ and what he means to you. That's my challenge to you.
love you all, have a Merry Christmas!!!

 I Love  Jesus

Elder Bennett aka yoboigator 
1215 Walnut Street
Windsor, CO 80550

                                                                     1-Me Bein Hick (look closely)

                                                            2-Dope CO Sunset

                                                                  3-Shout Out To All The Fam

4-Shout Out to Elder Kellogg Makin Me This Lamp For My Birthday Outta A Crown Royal Bottle haha

                                                                                    5-Pray For Me

                                                     6-Shout Out To The Fam For Levi's Fight Gear 

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Week 103 Trust In God & Never Give Up